know it happened unless I read Mmoc daily
Consolidation of information would be great. MmoC is a wonderful resource to check for specific changes in each build, but they don't do a great job of chronicling those changes across builds. Meaning, something changed two or three builds ago won't show up on the most recent build changes, so I might just miss that and never know it happened unless I read Mmoc daily.
Same goes for Wowhead, or world of Warcraft though they do at least make an effort to have some kind of omnibus.
Twitter is a complete mess. Some Blizz employees use their personal twitter accounts (although this seems to be getting better with time). Wowhead has the only decent blue twitter tracker, but even with the tracker, I have to wade through those tweets to find what I'm looking for.
At the end of the day, it's not the responsibility of these third-party sites to document the changes made to YOUR game.
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