Why not still implement ToTG but give no rewards
Why not still implement ToTG but give no rewards. This would allow players that PvE to get a full set of PVP gear and try out pvp. At the end, the gear goes away like it normally would.
world of Warcraft po
It could also let players that haven't had any pvp gear yet, to experience what it is like to paly fully geared and not get discouraged in BGs. Allow ToTG but don't force it on people. Don't use it as a ranked tournament style. Use it to let people try PvP with their full potential.
Use this opportunity to allow people to fully experience pvp during set times. Yes it can be competitive, but I still see good applications with it. The forcing people to play it for ranked arena was a very bad idea, but the idea itself on a whole was not a bad one.
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