
warhammer models Walkero Here

Bash you're fine don't worry

Bash you're fine don't worry. I re-read your earlier post twice regarding flying, it was fine from a PR point of view. po world of Warcraft Of course you probably already knew/know that since people likely proof read or monitor your work as well.

Half the time you're not even speaking to sensible human beings on these forums. Never give them the satisfaction of seeing you compromised.

I fully support buying gold from Blizzard

Yesterday Blizzard announced intentions to explore trading game time for gold via in-game items that can be or world of Warcraft purchased with real-world currency. The full statement reads:

Blizzard Entertainment
We're exploring the possibility of giving players a way to buy tradable game-time tokens for the purpose of exchanging them in-game with other players for gold. Our current thought on this is that it would give players a way to use their surplus gold to cover some of their subscription cost, while giving players who might have less play time an option for acquiring gold from other players through a legit and secure system. A few other online games offer a similar option, and players have suggested that they'd be interested in seeing something along those lines in WoW. We agree it could be a good fit for the game, and we look forward to any feedback you have as we continue to look into this feature.

I cheered for joy when I read this. I can't wait to essentially buy gold directly from Blizzard.

as they are too square and uniform

    Agreed. The Tyrande close-up should be a closer target of "pronounced canines" than the snake teeth on that picture. World of Warcraft Gold All of her teeth need a bit of refinement I think, as they are too square and uniform.

I agree with this, too. The uniform evenness reminded me more of, oh, shark teeth or something, which would be predatory but not feral. Putting canines in there helped break it up, and I like the hint of them in the lower jaw, so probably if the canines become less reptilian, I'll be pretty happy.

Other than that, I think she looks fantastic.

February 2013

February 2013 was largely consumed with PTR work in anticipation of patch 5.2, and I'd be remiss not to mention the insane amount of work that Matticus did to get us up-to-date and accurate information on world of Warcraft po what to expect in the Throne of Thunder. Apart from that, February saw a run of great raid and guild recruitment videos in Moviewatch (not all of which I was able to include here, regrettably) and a noticeable streak of class-based introspection.

The arcane mage guide was actually

The arcane mage guide was actually the worst thing ever. It isn't that you didn't go into depth and the more intricate parts but that you didn't showcase any of the level 90 talents. Now you might say for most classes that you wanted to do a guide without talents BUT in the case of arcane choosing one is required and any of the three choices vastly alters the way acheter wow gold you play the game and your DPS rotation. You actually can't do what you visibly showed in that arcane guide and have it work at all. Some of the commentary was okay but you guys visually set many new mages on the wrong path and when they attempt what the video did and choose a level 90 talent many won't realize why nothing is working like the video.

I would go as far as to say that a new level 90 arcane mage would be better off without watching this video at all. It just sets boosted mages up for failure in every sense. Please revise or take the video down, it isn't helpful at all. I'll even help outline a new one for free if nobody else is willing to do it.

I seen on these forums in a while

Those threads are the dumbest thing I seen on these forums in a while. How are you going to complain about something we haven't even experienced yet? Then continue multiple threads of the same 20 people as if something is going to change when it's not.

Anyway, back on gold I am glad they addressed this so quickly. Refreshing to see the tin foil tots who go on about the Eeeeeevil Blizzard get shut down early as if it were intentional. Dunno if I will buy it but you should be able to use it everywhere. Can't get the into the clunky movement of the horsey.

this isnt gonna stop people

this isnt gonna stop people leaving bg's this to me is going to encourage leaving when its obvious to the person leaving that winning will not happen..they are not gonna care about a 5 minute deserter...10 minute 20 or even 40 minute it needs to be stricter perhaps if they wanna do this...make it where they cannot que into dungeons..cannot gold fr cannot use auctionhouse..cannot kill mobs, basically a sitting body for the length of deserter where their only choice is to log off and reflect on them leaving...but then again that wont curtail it either im guessing if someone is wanting to leave a bg, there is not a single incentive or anything to keep them from not leaving..just saying

know it happened unless I read Mmoc daily

Consolidation of information would be great. MmoC is a wonderful resource to check for specific changes in each build, but they don't do a great job of chronicling those changes across builds. Meaning, something changed two or three builds ago won't show up on the most recent build changes, so I might just miss that and never know it happened unless I read Mmoc daily.

Same goes for Wowhead, or world of Warcraft though they do at least make an effort to have some kind of omnibus.

Twitter is a complete mess. Some Blizz employees use their personal twitter accounts (although this seems to be getting better with time). Wowhead has the only decent blue twitter tracker, but even with the tracker, I have to wade through those tweets to find what I'm looking for.

At the end of the day, it's not the responsibility of these third-party sites to document the changes made to YOUR game.

from MPQ to the new CASC system

You're downloading a lot of different components for the upcoming 6.0.2 patch. Pre-load data for the expansion itself is a big chunk. The new character models, as well as regenerated NPC po world of Warcraft textures, account for a lot. In-game movies are also pretty large files and all old movies had to be re-encoded. Many game files are compressed slightly differently than they used to be, as patch 6.0.2 transitions us from MPQ to the new CASC system.

Basically, we're getting a lot of the new expansion content ready to go on your machines. :)

try to level while farming something

You do know that some people try to level while farming something, right?

Say I was trying to farm world of Warcraft po the emerald whelpling, (back in the day) & I kept killing those lil green dragons over & over, & over... & over, & over, & over... you know, because droprate RNG is horrid.

That would gain me less because I'd be mistaken for a bot? Silly, just silly.

Keep up the good work!

The game time is a great gesture, and everything else you said really makes me feel that this game is in good hands. I'm looking forward to getting on with Draenor - it's been a blast so far! Keep up the good work!

I have to say, it's a shame the launch sullied the experience, but once we were actually able to play, this is one of the best expansions yet! Loving the storyline, the scenery, the music, everything! I had been a bit disappointed in the months leading up to WoD (scrapping of the Karabor/Bladespire capitals, over-stripping the classes and a few other things) but this expac has surpassed my expectations. Really enjoying it so far.

We know for many of you

As many of you noticed, forum suspensions have not carried over to the new website and forums. We know for many of you, it’s a second chance. We wanted to remind everyone that a second chance is only as good as you make it. As always, violations of the Code of Conduct may warrant suspensions and talking about ban club (even past ban club) World of Warcraft Gold can be seen as a violation of the Code of Conduct. Please use your best judgment when posting, and we look forward to many constructive and fun discussions with you all in the future.

I've noticed Service Status forums go up

I've noticed Service Status forums go up, too.

Should we expect anything in addition to or wow Service Status and the new realm forums? Flywheel in the Feature Suggestion forum has been talking about quite a bit of prospective features that we should see in the future

is as easy and smooth as possible

From a production standpoint, it makes a lot more sense to release such sweeping changes to the world before the expansion itself is released so we can ensure everything is running smoothly. We want to make sure the process of activating Cataclysm-exclusive content is as easy and smooth as possible.

This content spent a great deal of time in testing environments, but the best way to know things are wow po functioning correctly is to implement these data changes on all live realms. There actually is a lot of new content and things to see for players out there right now too (unless you prefer sitting in Dalaran at level 80 all night).

It's kind of win/win. You get a sizable chunk of Cataclysm content in a free content patch two weeks prior to launch, and we get two weeks to make sure any remaining kinks are ironed out. :)

pride and glory of your ancestors!

70% Horde Piece Unlocked

Veterans of the Horde, you have shown you will not waver in the face of the Alliance offensive. Not only will you prevail under the guidance of new leadership, but you have laid claims to lands rightfully yours. Now take your treasure for the pride and glory of your ancestors!

You can explore the Darkmoon Faire further,wow or voting for your favorite works in the contest tents, in order to reap the ultimate reward.

You may have had a different experience

You may have had a different experience, of course -- and if you did, that's awesome! -- but for a number of new players, their introduction to World of Warcraft was a bit disorienting. No bueno! To help combat that early game confusion, we streamlined a lot of beginning content including tooltips, ensuring that the first set you see when you log in clearly describes what a specific type of spell or ability actually does. In combination with other quest and UI enhancements,po wow the entire new player experience is now more meaningful and better at introducing game mechanics to those who are otherwise unfamiliar with them.

Now, if you're wondering why Beginner Tooltips is selected by default, this is because new players -- those who would most thoroughly benefit from this feature -- probably aren't going to know how or where to turn them on. While this may sometimes catch our more seasoned adventurers off-guard, we know you guys have an understanding of how to modify in-game settings and can likely deduce how to disable them on your own, either by poking around the interface menu or by asking for assistance on our community forums. :)

goblin on mining and engineering

It's all on the machine (the available professions) right in the town in a box. Trust me. I've already started my goblin on mining and engineering


Thanks for the info. acheter wow po If I may, here's a suggestion, what about giving starting zone prof trainers an introductory quest, to draw the players attention to their location and function?

regardless of where players are standing

    Ripsnarl's Summon Vapor mechanic now ignores line of sight and correctly spawns a Vapor in regardless of where players are standing.

Players were able to bypass Vapors using line of sight. This was fixed.

    Impaling Slam by Forgemaster Throngus now does much less damage, but is no longer mitigated by fire acheter wow gold resistance.

Yes, this was a reduction in damage to Slam, but damage was reduced so that we could change the ability so it ignores all resistance modifiers, which makes it easier for us to keep the ability tuned how we want.

    The "corpse-catching" mechanic now properly teleports players to the entrance platform of the dungeon.

on fixing the queue system?

So when do you plan on fixing the queue system? Having a random pool doesn't make any sense if you're going to nerf the ability to farm honor.

People weren't "undermining" the spirit of competition in Tol Barad, you guys had to have known it would happen World of Warcraft(EUR) - I would venture that the designers undermined the spirit of competition in Tol Barad from the very beginning by designing such a flawed atmosphere.

especially when heroic dungeon difficulty

I feel like the main problem is also that people arent incentivized for being lenient, if anything the opposite is true, especially when heroic dungeon difficulty is where it is compared to wrath.

Wrath taught everyone that they could enjoy a heroic dungeon every once in a while, while here wow gold in cata, a tank may have to pop more CDs on trash than on boss mobs depending on the group make up (and yes i've had groups in the dungeon finder with my paladin tank involving nobody who could CC.

These groups sometimes end up getting frustrated, understandably so, and the blaming begins until someone either rage quits, or decides to try and boot an offender.

Thats not really fair, especially when it happens right before the final boss where all the goodies are handed out for completing the dungeon. In fact, if someone is summarily kicked, I think they should get the final rewards compensation for the portion they did complete (the gold and valor/justice points).